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Campaign file

All sections are optional.

But you need section prepare or ammo so Bombard will fire some requests.

Anywhere you can use Python expressions {} like

repeat: "{args.repeat * 2}"

Command line arguments are available as args in these expressions. All supply variables are available as globals.

HTTP parameters

All HTTP parameters but URL are optional.

url: "{host}auth"  # fully specified URL
method: POST  # by default GET
body:  # below is JSON object for request body
    password: admin
  json:  # the same as Content-Type: "application/json"
  Authorization: "Bearer {token}"


Variables you use like {name} in your requests. Also you can (re)define this variable using --supply like:

bombard -s name=value,name2=value2

Also you can (re)define it from requests.

If you have extract section in a request description, it will (re)define supply variable with the name from this section.

And script section in request also can (re)define variables.

Request description

You use these descriptions in sections prepare and ammo described below.

Each request should have URL and basically that's it. If you need to, you can add other elements like that:

getToken:  # Name of request by your choice
  repeat: "{args.repeat * 2}"  # default - option --repeat
  url: "{host}auth"  # we use supply.base var
  method: POST  # by default GET
  headers: json  # shortcut for Content-Type: application/json
  body:  # JSON object for the request body
    password: admin
  extract:  # extract from request result and add to supply

Bombard automatically adds application/json to headers if in the request some JSON body is specified. If you need another Content-Type specification just add it to headers section and it will redefine that default.


Override --repeat command line option. Number of repetitions for the request.


In request you can add section script with Python3 code. It runs after request.

It can use supply object and fire requests with reload function. Requests definitions from ammo section available as ammo.request_name.

Response to the request is available in resp object.

In example below we fire requests getPost from ammo section for 1st three posts we get in the response:

for post in resp[:3]:
  reload(ammo.getPost, id=post['id'])

Also you can place Python code to separate file and use it like this:

script: !include

If you add this line it mocks all necessary objects and you can use code autocomplete in your IDE:

from bombard.mock_globals import *; master('path/to/you/yaml')


Instead of script you can use section extract in request. It can contain map of name: extract pairs. For each pair Bombard will (re)define supply var with name name with value extracted from the request response as ['extract'].

    name: extract
    name2: extract2

If extract is empty Bombard will use the name, so name: is the same as name: name.

Also you can use any custom indices you want like that

    token: "['data']['JWT']"  # place resp['data']['JWT'] to supply.token

so name: ['name'] is the same as name:.


If you run Bombard with --dry it do not make actual HTTP requests. And if you have dry section in request Bombard will use it as result of this dry request.


If campaign file has this section, Bombard will start fire with requests from this section.

Requests in this section can fire requests from ammo section, like this:

  postsList:  # Get ids from posts
    url: "{host}posts"
    script: |
      for post in resp[:3]:  # fire ammo.getPost for 1st three posts in the list
        reload(ammo.getPost, id=post['id'])

As you see above you can send some variable not only to global supply but just to the request you fire.

If prepare section did not fire any ammo requests, Bombard after prepare will fire all requests from ammo section.

So, if you have only extract sections in prepare requests. Or if scripts in prepare requests do not call reload to fire requests from ammo. Then Bombard will fire all ammo requests after prepare requests.


If campaign file do not have prepare section, Bombard will just fire all requests from this section.

Each request will be repeated --repeat times as defined in command line (or by default value for this option).

Otherwise bombard will fire prepare section and after that if prepare requests did not fire any requests from ammo, bombard will fire all requests from ammo.

Example of ammo request for the request that you see in prepare section:

    url: "{host}posts/{id}"  # use {host} from global supply and {id} in local supply just for this request - see script above